Jip van Trommel


  • Studied medicine BSc (cum laude) and MSc at the Free University
  • Followed an entrepreneurship minor at the University of Amsterdam
  • Was a board member of the 'CO2-assistent' of the Free University

A broader view

“During my medical studies, I discovered that my interest in health extends beyond the care of individual patients. I asked myself questions such as: what is the impact of climate change on health and how does the healthcare sector affect the environment? How is healthcare organized in the Netherlands and how does it differ from other countries? During my internships in Aruba and South Africa, I saw how big the differences are. This broadened my perspective on the healthcare sector enormously.”

Unique talents

“What makes working at Gupta fun is the diversity of the people who work here. My colleagues have all kinds of different educational backgrounds, have diverse hobbies and live all across the country. Moreover, everyone has their own talents that come together in the projects we do. There is no one way to be a good consultant; everyone does this job in his or her own way. At Gupta, we believe that we are stronger as a team when everyone builds on their own talents and skills. That gives me energy!”