Leading clinical hospital and regional hospital merger

When a leading clinical hospital and regional hospital identified the potential value of an extensive collaboration or merger, they decided to contact Gupta before taking the next steps in the process.

  • Healthcare providers
  • Mergers and acquisitions

They wanted to know what the exact medical and financial benefits might be in a variety of possible scenarios. And what about the risks? Gupta helped them answer these fundamental questions.

Promising scenario

Together with a streamlined working group of medical specialists from both hospitals, Gupta developed a number of possible collaboration scenarios. They ranged from no cooperation at all to extensively unifying their care. Next, we worked out the scenarios as concretely as possible, including a quantitative analysis of which type of care should be offered where and the related consequences for capacity. The working group rated these various scenarios based on clear medical and financial criteria. The most promising scenarios were further developed during various consultations with internal and external stakeholders, which eventually led to the selection of one scenario.

Starting on the right foot

The advantage of the chosen way of working is that the hospitals thoroughly discussed their decisions regarding the distribution of care, the positioning of each location and the integration method prior to the actual merger. By bringing medical and financial issues together, they used a careful process to reach a decision that was based on facts. And despite the fact that it was an intensive and time-consuming process, the results paid off during the integration, which was successful in spite of the complexity.

Img Thijs De Kruif

Thijs de Kruif's experience

Over the course of this project I gained insight into the various interests within a hospital and setting up a successful change management process.”

"The in-depth preparation for this hospital merger was very educational. Not only for the hospitals, but also for myself. Over the course of this project I gained insight into the various interests within a hospital and setting up a successful change management process. We worked very closely with all of the parties that would be affected by the merger: from gynecologists who needed to merge their practices to banks that financed the necessary investments. These collaborations taught me that the overall goals of the involved parties are often the same, but their specific concerns are different. For example, gynecologists and banks both want good healthcare in the region, but gynecologists prefer to emphasize accessible, good-quality healthcare, while banks would rather see a sound business case. But above all, the lesson was that careful preparation, no matter how much energy it may take, leads to better results. A well-thought-out change management plan, with support throughout the organization, is the key to successful change. I therefore consider the preparation for this merger to be a successful framework for change management processes."